Tuesday, June 7, 2016

May 10th Meeting - Year end wrap up

We are so sad this is our last meeting of the year, but don't worry! We will be back starting in September! 

In the meantime, feel free to join us for our summer playdate series! This is a great opportunity for returning moms to stay connected with their friends over the summer, and for new moms to come check us out! Even if you have never been to a MOPS meeting we hope you will join us this summer to see what MOPS is all about, plus your little ones can burn off some energy!

We wrapped up our MOPS year by having a few of our very own mom's share their testimony about how they embraced the Fierce Flourishing theme this year. Jamie Branham was able to celebrate lavishly even with all of the tough times she faced this year. Sarah Burton embraced rest and learned to say no after stress and over-commitment negatively impacted her family. And Hannah Murasko focused on noticing goodness even when faced with unexpected circumstances, including sickness and forced moves.

We hope you also embraced this year's theme and were able to flourish with us this year! 

Kristen Beaver had tons of LuLaRoe leggings available for browsing at the meeting! If you are interested in shopping her inventory you can join her facebook group for easy shopping!

Our last craft of the year was handmade earrings or rings! We hope you enjoyed getting crafty with us this year!

Get Excited! Next year's MOPS theme is "We are the Starry Eyed"! Starry Eyed means looking for the light even when darkness is enveloping. It is an opportunity to hope recklessly and to witness God's presence guiding all things seen and unseen, comfortable or not.

When we reflect back over our lives, this year is going to stand out! It will be the year that we decided to live fully in both sunlight and moonlight. Because audacity is rising in the deepest and wildest parts of our souls, and the best part is we will experience it all together!